Saturday, December 22, 2007

2006: still in a funk

Most of 2006 was spent feeling sorry for myself after my college girlfriend broke-up with me, then got engaged like 30 minutes later.

Looking back, the self-pity that I wallowed in was quite embarrassing, but it also made for some really classic Coney, too.

In June, my mom wanted to go to the beach for her 50th birthday, so I drove down and met her at Virginia Beach. While I was there, I took advantage of being on the Atlantic Coast and met up with my old college friend Beau for a Washington Nationals game and a day in D.C.

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium in Washington D.C. for an exhilerating NL East game.

RFK Stadium in Washington D.C. wasn't great, and it wasn't awful. It was just a Phillies-Nationals game. Cory Lidle had a no-no into the fifth. It wasn't his only "no-no" that year. Ooooh, too soon? Bad taste, at the very least.

Beau at Zero milestone. This photo has been named "Beau's moment of significance."

One of the strange byproducts of my self-pity was a 5-6 month refusal to cut my hair. I can't for the life of me remember why, but eventually I started doing TV stuff, so that didn't last long. There's me hanging out on Dubya's lawn.

If walking inside the mall is a good workout from elderly women, then walking the National Mall is a good workout of Beau and me.

A cool look at the Washington Monument, as seen from the World War II memorial.

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