Saturday, December 22, 2007

UBW3: Baltimore & Boston: 1850 miles in 53 hours

With much enthusiasm, Dunn and I set out in 2004 to recreate the excitement generated on many of the 2003 roadtrips. It started with what is now, in retrospect, considered Ultimate Baseball Weekend 3: a journey from Pittsburgh on Saturday morning, to Baltimore for a Saturday matinee, up the coast for a Sunday game in Boston, with mandatory work on Monday morning. No big deal, standard commute.

For a ridiculous mockery of our weekend, check out:
Our seats from the outfield gave us a good view of one of the trend-setting parks in Major League Baseball. Many of today's newer parks were modelled after Camden.

Baltimore's Camden Yards was a great place to start a ridiculous weekend. Jeff Green hopped a train up from D.C. to join us for the ballgame, as the Orioles beat the Royals.

Outside Camden Yards is a statue commemorating the birthplace of Babe Ruth.

After driving until 5 am, getting like 5 hours of sleep at the "Joke Motel" and giving up our car keys to some homeless-looking valet guy who left the windows down and the door unlocked for $30 in downtown Boston, we finally arrive at a baseball cathedral as old as the Titanic: Fenway Park.

We got to Fenway early before the game, so we'd have ample opportunity to take a stroll around the ballpark.

Standing room only seats was our only option. Still to this day, it's the only trip either of us have made to Fenway Park. Texas 7, Boston 6... but the Red Sox would later that year break their 86-year dry spell, and finally win a World Series.

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